Single Stud Installation - Hovr Pocket Install Method

Hovr Pocket Install Method:

While our customers know us for our ultra strong, high performance Classic Bracket strength, we understand that for some installs, this can be overkill. For those prioritizing price above all else, we've seen a few cool ways of making the Hovr Bracket work outside the recommended install parameters we normally endorse.

Keep in mind that these are all at your own risk and we can't guarantee them as there are many variables here from one install to another, but used responsibly these methods can make for extremely successful, price-efficient, and still rather strong installations.
For lighter loading, you can sacrifice some strength, and use a shorter bracket than the standard install. Often going as low as a 2:3 or even 1:2 bracket-to-shelf ratio. This approach trades strength for improved cost for your installs. You can also install into a single stud with the shorter bracket as in the examples below:

Hovr Classic Single Stud Install Test:

Hovr Slim Single Stud Install Test:

In these examples, it's extremely important to keep the following in mind:
- The bracket must be centered in the shelf
- Any significant loading of the shelf must be placed on areas supported by the bracket and roughly equally distributed / centered.
- The depth of the shelf should not exceed 8" from the wall
- At least 3 set screws should be used
Remember, you can't get something for nothing - so you need to give up strength in order to cut cost for this approach - this won't be appropriate for your standard rock-solid Hovr installation, but for light loading and knick-knacks, this gives you a competitive option with many of the cheaper bracket options on the market that offer less strength at a lower price point. Not only that, but we firmly believe in most cases you will still end up with a stronger install than the competition.


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